- Awards
- Communications
- Diversity Committee
- Lifelong Learning
- Mentoring
- Science & Practice
Awards Committee
Communications Committee
Diversity Committee
Mission: The Diversity Committee aims to create a community of diverse geropsychologists to address topics pertinent to the geriatric population using a multicultural lens and to ensure that diversity consideration is included in all areas relevant to the Society of Clinical Geropsychology. We strive to promote an increased awareness and education for psychologists in all levels of career and training through various opportunities and approaches. We additionally encourage collaborations with other organizations including Division 20, diversity committee for Society of Clinical Psychology, and other national and international organizations.
We are always looking for passionate and dedicated individuals to serve on our committee. If you or someone you know has an interest in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging issues and would like to meaningfully contribute to the growth of our field on a national level or have interest in collaborating with the diversity committee, please reach out to our committee chair, Stacy Yun ([email protected])
Past Newsletter Columns
Spring 2020 Column: International Perspectives of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Summer 2020 Column: Older Adults and COVID-19
Division on Adult Development and Aging (Div 20)
Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (Div 44)
Lifelong Learning Committee
Mission: The Lifelong Learning Committee of the Society of Clinical Geropsychology is committed to supporting education and learning about aging and geropsychology across the career. We provide information and organize events from initial interest in aging during undergraduate university studies through continuing education for established psychologists.
Mentoring Committee
The SCG Mentoring Committee recognizes that mentorship takes many forms. Our committee is dedicated to serving the needs of mentors and mentees at all stages in their training and career. We strive to affect meaningful change in the present and future of our field by:
- Reducing barriers to access through education and advocacy
- Facilitating connections between mentors/mentees
- Providing resources to increase the effectiveness of both mentors and mentees
- Empowering mentors and mentees to effectively navigate ruptures and challenges
- Acting with speed and agility to address the ever-evolving needs of Geropsychology mentors and mentees
We are always looking for passionate individuals to serve on our committee or as mentors. If you or someone you know has an interest in mentorship and would like to meaningfully contribute to the growth of our field on a national level or have interest in collaborating with the mentoring committee, please reach out to our committee chair, Anna Blanken ([email protected]).
If you have just been matched to a mentor or mentee, check out these tips to help you get started!
Science & Practice Committee
Mission: The Committee on Science and Practice aims to support the mission of the Society of Clinical Geropsychology (SCG) by (a) evaluating and commenting on the scientific basis of proposed psychological assessment and treatment guidelines (i.e., by APA or other professional organizations) as relevant to clinical geropsychology practice and (b) informing 12/II membership about committee recommendations. The committee’s work is guided by a commitment to enhance clinical science, training, practice, and public health policies to meet the behavioral health needs of older adults.