Publications & Media

Podcasts & Videos
Clinical Geropsychology on an International Stage (Professor Nancy Pachana, The University of Queensland, offers her insights into Clinical Geropsychology)
Assessment and financial capacity among older adults (Prof Peter Lichtenberg highlights the empirical science of geropsychology and its application to applied issues)
Talking Later: Veterans’ Stories of Late-Life PTSD is about PTSD in later life; it is also about resilience as we age. (Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein discusses narrative gerontology)
#SeePainMoreClearly (Website): Pain in Dementia from the lab of Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, University of Regina, Canada (“On Being Mortal” -Atul Gawande)

- Ma, F., Heintz, H. L., Schmidt, N. E., Carpenter, B. D., Allen, R. S., Dzierzewski, J. M., Mlinac, M. E., Montepare, J. M., & Moye, J. (2023). Building the geropsychology workforce: A national survey and virtual conference define critical obstacles and steps forward. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 54(5), 361–371.

International Snapshots
Check out how aging initiatives and geropsychology are represented around the globe.